US Flag Desecration
ADDPMP734Some countries have laws forbidding methods of destruction (such as burning in public) or forbidding particular uses (such as for commercial purposes). In the United States, the national flag is sometimes burned as a cultural or political statement, in protest of the policies of the US government or for other reasons, both within the US and abroad. For example, during the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War, American flags were sometimes burned during war protest demonstrations. Upside-down flag flying has also been used as a sign of protest against US presidents. In 2020, as protests spread across the US demanding an end to police brutality, some US citizens chose to fly their flags upside down as part of the protests. Even though it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state or municipal) to prohibit the desecration of a flag, due to the flag’s status as “symbolic speech”, some US states continue to uphold laws against flag burning.