Dai Heiwa Kinen To
ADDPMP697Dai Heiwa Kinen Tō was built in 1970 by the Church of Perfect Liberty, a new Japanese religious movement (Shinshūkyō) founded in 1924 by a priest in the Ōbaku sect of Zen Buddhism, with the aim to bring about world peace.
The cenotaph is dedicated to the souls of all war victims in history, regardless of race, ethnic group, sovereign state, border, region, religion, religious denomination or creed, hence the official Japanese name, Chōshūha Bankoku Sensō Giseisha irei dai heiwa kinen tō, meaning non-denominational war victims great cenotaph tower to pray for peace (shortly, The Great Peace Prayer Tower). It is also used as a tomb for unidentified war victims. A ceremony and memorial service where participants pray for world peace is held annually on the 1st of August.