Shimizu Mega-City
ADDPMP772The structure would be 2,004m (6,575ft) high, including five stacked trusses, each with similar dimensions to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The pyramid’s foundation would be formed by 36 piers made of special concrete. With the capacity to house 1,000,000 people, this pyramid would help answer Tokyo’s increasing lack of space.
Because the seismically-active Pacific Ring of Fire cuts right through Japan, the external structure of the pyramid would be an open network of mega trusses, supporting struts made from carbon nanotubes to allow the pyramid to stand against and let through high winds, and survive earthquakes and tsunamis. The trusses would be coated with a photovoltaic film to convert sunlight into electricity and help power the city. Mega-City would also be powered by pond scum or algae. Robotic systems would play a major part in both construction and building maintenance. Transportation within the city would be provided by accelerating walkways, inclined elevators and a personal rapid transit system where automated pods would travel within the trusses. Housing and office space would be provided by 24 or more 30-story high skyscrapers suspended from above and below and would be attached to the pyramid’s supporting structure with nanotube cables.
Studied since 1992, the plan was to start construction in 2030 but no further action has been taken. Shimizu is still determined to complete the project by 2110; if built, it would be the largest manmade structure in world history.