Black Panthers by Agnès Varda
ADDPMP378Black Panthers is a 1968 short documentary film directed by Agnès Varda. The film focuses on the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California, during protests over the arrest of Black Panther co-founder Huey P. Newton for the murder of police officer John Frey in 1967.
In the summer of 1968, people arrive in Oakland to protest Huey P. Newton’s arrest. Newton is himself interviewed and talks about his poor treatment while incarcerated and also talks about the ideals of the Black Panther movement which includes protecting the black community from the police, informing them of their rights, and taking advantage of license to carry firearm laws in order to arm Panthers to police the police.
Other people are interviewed, including Kathleen Cleaver who talks about the natural hair movement and the increasing importance of women in positions of authority in the Black Panther movement. The film ends with Newton’s conviction for manslaughter and a hate crime involving two police officers shooting the window of a Black Panther office where Newton’s picture had been hung in the front window.